Break Ups & New Beginnings

I recently got out of a toxic relationship. From believing I had found the one, building dreams of marriage, to realizing the excuses I had made for his bad behavior, it has been quite a journey. What is the one important thing you look for in a partner? They need to love you. Love means…

2018 ! A new journey ahead..

It’s that time of the year again. It’s the time for introspection and reflection, as well as setting new goals for the year waiting for us ahead.  I’m sure we’ve all had our highs and lows during the year. Looking back on my own experiences, I did achieve some of the goals, if not all,…

Liebster Award Nomination!

Thanks a ton!  Piyush Bilandi for the nomination. You write pretty amazing and highly informative blogs yourself! And to answer your questions, here it goes..! What is your ambition in life? I want to lead a life in the most unconventional way as possible! If I had a chance to live anywhere in the world,…

In Search Of A Better Tommorow

via Daily Prompt: Oversight The rain used to splash vigorously against the truck window as Samantha drew shapes, outlined by the fog collected on the inside of the window. She reminisced about summers spent at her grandmother’s place, gleefully chasing butterflies in the elaborately mended garden, comprising of a view both serene and idyllic at…

A different kind of Philanthropy

We live in a world with widely ranging economic disparities existing in society.It is a mere gamble that some of us end up living in big white houses, with ample amount of opportunities to grow.Lets take a moment and think about those who aren’t that fortunate. Every child deserves a chance to dream. What shapes…


The feeling of being lost and perplexed wasn’t new to her.She just needed to find her way back home.Every time it was a different route,with unexpected ordeals,leading to varying outcomes but always held the promise of a new experience. Taking a route that was already tried before never appealed to her. The monotony of it…